Alternatively, use the character address types to ensure that the leading characters are not ignored. When reading true strings from a data block, use the String address type. If a tag is created in the server with an address of "DB12,C0,18" and the data type is set to string, the entire string will be displayed as a value in the client.
This is because the driver assumes that the first two bytes are length data. The new controller generation SIMATIC S7-1200 and S7-1500 has an up-to-date system architecture, and together with the TIA Portal offers new and efficient. If a tag is then created in the server with an address of "DB12,STRING0,18" a value of "PWARE" will be displayed in the client. For example, an array of 18 characters is created in "DB 12" and is initialized to the value of "KEPWARE". If a tag is created as a string in the server, the driver will always treat the first two bytes as the length fields. Defines an area for a character string of up to. In both types of data blocks, the end of the string will be marked with a null terminator. This data type stores date and time (as a binary coded decimal) and is a predefined data type in S7-SCL. Other way is to load string char by char: L a T strTemp 1 L b T strTemp 2 But then you have to take care about string length control by yourself. In order to be a specific length in a PLC data block, the string must be created as an array of characters. One way is to prepare DB with strings you will need (if its possible) and use BLKMOV ( SFC20) function. Its first two bytes tell the length of the current string data and the maximum length of the string. A string that is created in a data block in the S7-1200 PLC will have a fixed length of 256 bytes.

Thanks to its integration in TIA Portal, STEP 7 offers transparency, intelligent user navigation, and straightforward workflows in every work and programming step. STEP 7 (TIA Portal) helps you perform your engineering tasks intuitively and efficiently. 1 Preface Programming Guideline for S7-1200/1500 Entry ID: 81318674, V1.
TOF, TON, CASE, STRUCT, ENUM, ARRAY, STRING - Guide to split-up into program modules and functions - More than 90 PLC code examples in black/white - FIFO, RND, 3D ARRAY and digital filter - Examples: From LADDER to ST programming - Guide to solve. The first two characters are missing when reading a string from a data block in a Siemens S7-1200 PLC. SIMATIC STEP 7 (TIA Portal) the integrated engineering package for all controller tasks. Read Free Quick Start To Programming In Siemens Step 7 Tia Portal.